Major Services Available At Our Aesthetic Office – Clinic in Geneva


Médecin Spécialiste Suisse, FMH en Chirurgie Plastique, Reconstructive et Esthétique

Président du Groupe des Chirurgiens Plasticiens à l’AMG

Some of the treatments offered by Dr Amini in Geneva – Switzerland

Chirurgie Botox à Genève


Dr. Kouroche Amini is an expert in managing non-surgical treatments like Botox® that provides patients with relief and enables them to lead a better life.

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Chirurgie de réduction mammaire Genève

Breast Reduction

Breasts are the asset of womanhood. But when they grow too large in size, they can be a cause of discomfort, neck pain and reconstructive surgery maybe needed..

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Chirurgie plastique du ventre à Genève


Belly fat is hazardous to health & the most rigid to lose. If you are tired of dieting & following a strict exercise routine..

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Enlèvement des lésions cutanées et chirurgie des plaies à Genève

Lesions & Wounds

Is an abnormal growth or change in the skin appearance, a cause of your worry? Or are you looking for medecine treatment in a state of the art clinic...

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Liposuccion - Liposculpture

Liposuction in Geneva

Are you tired of not being able to take off your shirt at the pool or when you hit the winning goal..

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Le traitement de botox pour les rides


Botox® to prevent the development of wrinkles and expression lines.

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Chirurgie de réduction mammaire

Breast reduction

Consider Reconstructive Breast Reduction and Redefine Life!

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Abdominoplastie Geneva

Abdomen & abdominal wall

Say yes to a flatter abdomen with a reconstructive procedure!

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Reconstruction après cancer Geneva

Breast reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction after cancer a gift to womanhood!

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D’une chirurgie reconstructrice pour les lésions cutanées ou les plaies

Lesions and scars

For A Scar Free Life!

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chirurgie esthétique liposuccion geneve


Liposuction – to obtain that ideal body shape!

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chirurgie des paupières Genève


Blink at the world with a beautiful set of eyelids!

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Rated 5 out of 5

Bonjour . Premier rdv cet après midi . Un super accueil, une écoute et hyper professionnel . Hâte de mon intervention mardi prochain) reconstruction du lobe de l’oreille . J’accorde toute ma confiance à ce médecin . 👍

Yasmine Knecht
Rated 5 out of 5

Bonjour, Après avoir vu plusieurs chirurgien. Le dr kouroche amini ma mis totalement en confiance et je l’ai choisit pour cela. Il est très à l’écoute de ce que l’on desire. Le suivi de l’opération est super. Je suis ravie du résultat que j’ai obtenu après l’opération grâce au dr kouroche amini. Je le remercie encore énorment car sa ma changer la vie.

Florencee Aubry
Rated 5 out of 5

Wonderful doctor! Excellent results with Botox injections. Very natural! Thank you! Will definitely come back.

Nasi Bamshad
Rated 5 out of 5

Amazing experience with Dr. Amini. Would highly recommend for any and all of his services. He is especially skilled with Botox. Can’t wait to go back for another treatment!

Jessica J.
Rated 5 out of 5

Une expertise avérėe dans son domaine, un professionnalisme réel et naturel, gentillesse et à l’écoute du patient.Merci

Christelle N'Kulu
Rated 5 out of 5

Merci pour votre écoute, le résultat du botox très naturel, je reviendrai!

Vanessa Martin
Rated 5 out of 5

C’est toujours difficile de trouver un des meilleurs, sinon le meilleur chirurgie esthétique à Genève. Du coup, j’en ai contacté trois et y suis allé “au feeling” après une conversation téléphonique. Après un premier contact au téléphone, j’a pris rendez-vous avec le Dr Amini, lequel a répondu à toutes mes questions de manière détaillée et très claire quant à une éventuelle intervention de chirurgie plastique, que je préfère ne pas exposer ici, “sur la place publique”. Je vais sérieusement y réfléchir. Si je devais finalement me décider, je le recontacterai très certainement.

Lin Dayen - Hsu
Rated 5 out of 5

In November 2018, I had an operation in order to remedy an umbilical hernia and a diastasis recti, carried out by the surgeon Kouroche Amini.At the very first appointment, the surgeon was already able to determine the diagnosis with the exact number of centimeters for my diastasis, which was later confirmed by the ultrasound. I was amazed and extremely impressed. The operation was a complete succees. After only one month, I was able to return to work and also look after my young children without any problems.Based on my experience, Doctor Amini has a unique mixture of professionalism and, just as importantly, human qualities.I thoroughly recommend his expertise and professional abilities. Health is our most important capital and with Dr Amini you will be sure of being in the best hands.

Nuria Bravo

Things to Know

What is the primary difference between plastic surgery and reconstructive surgery?
What is the best procedure to correct excessive wrinkling & bagginess of the eyelids?
Which surgery is the best for enhancing appearance of breasts?
Do silicone implants increase breast cancer risk?
Is liposuction surgery a suitable option for me?
Is plastic surgery safe?


EBOPRAS - Spécialiste en chirurgie plastique Genève
Association des Medecins du canton de Geneve
chirurgiens plasticiens geneva
Fédération médicale suisse FMH
La Société Suisse de Chirurgie Esthétique

Cosmetic Surgery and Aesthetic Treatments in Switzerland


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for cosmetic surgery in Geneva or for aesthetic medicine

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