Reconstruction after Cancer

chirurgie de reconstruction mammaire après un cancer

Breast Reconstruction after cancer a gift to womanhood!

Dealing with the news of breast cancer can be devastating. But the one thing that breast cancer fighters and survivors have in common is their desire to live. Common amongst women of all races, breast cancer is most likely to occur in women above the age of 40.
Today, more and more women are going for breast reconstructive surgery, post mastectomy or lumpectomy (also referred to as partial mastectomy), to regain breast shape and lead a more confident life. At KA Surgery, Dr. Kouroche Amini understands the importance of breasts, for self-esteem and the body image of a woman, and takes extra efforts to ensure success of the operation.

More about Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy

  • Several Plastic surgery techniques are performed to augment the breast post Mastectomy
  • The surgery helps restore size and shape of the breast, very close to the natural size and appearance
  • A reconstructed breast does not experience the same natural sensation
  • Visible incision lines are always present
  • The surgical procedure also leaves incision lines at the donor site. These scars are for the most part in less exposed body parts, such as the abdomen, back or buttocks
  • It is also important to note that when a single breast is reconstructed a breast lift or breast augmentation is also necessary to improve symmetry of size and position

Risk and Safety factors of Breast Reconstruction

Breast reconstruction is a personal choice. Every woman who is considering the surgery needs to be aware of the benefits as well as the acceptability of risks involved in the entire process.
Here are few risks and safety factors to be considered before taking the final decision.
Bleeding, infection and poor healing are some of the basic risk factors involved. You should also know that:

  • Flap surgery has the risk factor of partial or complete loss of sensation at the donor or/and reconstruction site
  • Use of an implant carry potential risk of breast firmness (capsular contracture) and implant rupture

*All these and also a few personalized risk factors will be explained in detail by the Surgeon.

Best Time for Breast Reconstruction
The best time for breast reconstruction depends on factors such as:

  • Desire
  • Medical condition
  • Progress of cancer treatment

Patients can choose to go for reconstruction at the time of mastectomy or even months or years later. When the patient is already going through chemotherapy and radiation treatments, reconstruction is postponed. Dr. Amini is best placed to help decide right time for reconstruction.

Types of Breast Reconstruction Surgeries
There are several reconstruction techniques to get back the shape and size of the breast post mastectomy. Dr. Kouroche Amini talks about the most appropriate options for you.
Here are the two primary techniques for the procedure

  1. Implant Reconstruction
    This is the first choice of breast reconstruction surgery. It involves inserting implants filled with silicone gel.
  2. Expanders
    Expanders are chosen by surgeons when the patient has a staged approach of implant breast reconstruction. During such surgeries, Dr. Amini, places a tissue expander between the skin and chest muscle of the breast, removed during mastectomy.
    Expanders basically are implants more or less like a balloon, that are used to stretch the skin in order to make room for the final implant.
  3. Flap or Autologous reconstruction –
    In this procedure, the woman’s own tissues are transplanted from one part of the body to create a breast mound. Mostly the tissues are taken from body parts like, the belly or abdomen, thigh or back.

Recovery Process and Precautions

  • The patient may experience discomfort for the first few days
  • Necessary pain medication is given under staff observation, during hospital stay
  • Soon after the surgery, movement of the arms is encouraged
  • The patient may be given IV fluids for a day or two post-surgery
  • Drains are used to drain excess fluids from the incision
  • The hospital stay may range between 2 to 10 days

Benefits of Breast Reconstruction

  • It is a positive step towards life after mastectomy
  • It brings back symmetry to the woman’s body
  • Brings back body image with self-esteem
  • Helps lead a normal life
  • It helps regain breast shape permanently

Advantages of Breast Reduction Surgery at KA Surgery

  • The complete surgery is handled by veteran Dr. K Amini
  • Dr. Amini is a trusted member of the Geneva Private Network for breast cancer
  • Pros and cons are discussed in detail
  • Experience of many surgeries every year
  • A discussion on realistic outcomes
  • Reasonable pricing
  • Quality and safe techniques
  • State of art facilities (link to the clinics section)


In Switzerland, there is an impressive range of health insurance coverage available to safeguard the financial needs of patients undergoing breast reconstruction surgery post mastectomy. Generally, these treatments are completely covered under the insurance format.
Dr. Amini provides comprehensive assistance in managing and completing insurance related paper work. His assistance streamlines the process and makes it easy to avail the claim.
As mentioned earlier, the treatment cost for breast reconstruction post mastectomy is normally covered by insurance. Below mentioned are few aspects to give you an idea of what contributes to the total cost of a breast reconstruction surgery.

Since every breast reconstruction patient is different, surgeries need to be planned based on the uniqueness of each case.

  • Anesthesia
  • Medication
  • Disposables
  • Clinic charges
  • Surgeon fees
  • Post-surgery garments

Do not delay and make an appointment now!

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